Generations and generations of women in Africa have brought “life” into this world under the direst and threatening of circumstances. Women have faced childbirth against the backdrop of wars, famine, exile, genocides, cyclones, intimate partner violence, poverty, epidemics, and pandemics. When these humanitarian crises arise; the focus is often pulled away from pregnant women and their new-born babies. They are often left to take on the monumental and dangerous task of bringing life into this world alone, without support from the system in which they exist.

COVID-19 is a global humanitarian crisis; a pandemic which has killed close to 300 000 people and infected more than 3 million. We want to keep mothers and preterm babies in Zimbabwe safe from hunger, violence, infection, lack of baby supplies and neglect as we fight Covid-19.Please help us achieve this by doing the following;

  • Donate US$30 to feed a pregnant woman today
  • Donate US$30 to provide a baby pack for a preterm baby today
  • Donate US$15 to provide pregnant and new mums with dignity packs today
  • Donate US$ 50 to provide PPE for a maternity and preterm care nurses today

Thank you for helping us keep mums and babies safe.